Balance not increasing!! Money is getting stolen silently!!

Started by David0089 2024-02-10 at 17:51
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 8
I am working regularly on gptplanet, but it seems for quite a long time my balance has not been increasing or my earnings are silently getting diverted or stolen from me! I have not noticed before but seeing that my balance stood where it was one month back, is the same today even after I am completing the tasks, made me feel skeptical and so I am writing this blog to bring to the notice of others who are similarly getting cheated working on this website!
« Last Edit: 2024-02-10 at 17:52 by David0089 »
Posts: 589
Received: $8.8600
Balance: $1.0955
Referrals: 0
Congrats !!