What Is ROI

Started by minitrabajos 2023-07-23 at 22:54
3 replies to this topic
Yearly Gold
Posts: 129
Hi, someone can explain me what Is ROI?
Yearly Gold
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ROI is the Return Of Invest. So the relationship between deposit and withdrawal.
If you have deposit $100 and have withdraw $100, then your ROI is 100%. In that case, you can't order a withdrawal at the moment. If your ROI is less than 100% and you have order a withdrawal, then keep patient at the moment... It's a tough time for the Scarlet group right now...
Yearly Gold
Posts: 129
Thank you☺
Posts: 1
ROI stands for "Return on Investment." It's a financial metric used to evaluate the profitability of an investment relative to its cost. In simple terms, image clipping services ROI measures the return or profit generated from an investment compared to its initial cost.