have not settled clicks today

Started by winpopi 2015-03-02 at 18:33
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 17
Hello Admin, there is a problem since the clicks of my rented referrals have not been placed ................. please verify and correct
Posts: 4
Rented Referals..............I also want it.
Posts: 6
Hi, i have exactly the same problem. I've noticed that for the past few days my referral clicks sudently dropped quite a lot. I've noticed that the system only starts registering my referral clicks after i make my own clicks are done, which is not correct since in the TOS it says i need to click in the day before to earn from my referrals in the next day. I've noticed that even if i wait the whole day, my referrals clicks will not count until i make my own clicks which is really bad and a lossy process. I will not not advantage of the referrals.