Getting Started

Started by Dientjie 2017-12-20 at 08:45
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 1
So I click on the ads, it opens a new window and I view the add - go back to main page and my views are still on zero?
Posts: 18
1. Click on the ad
2. opens a new window
3. view the add
4. confirm viewing the add, click on the upside picture - bar comes up where the time slider is
5. close the window - use x in the corner
6. rinse and repeat - do this for all you adds
7. all add watched congrats daily shore done, to make some extra cash check out GPTGRID and PTCWALL
works the same way

Happy earnings
« Last Edit: 2017-12-20 at 12:10 by HeikoB »