Advertisement changing to a different page

Started by SdeUFiHEIUIEHFWEIF 2016-05-03 at 02:15
3 replies to this topic
Posts: 31
I tried to click an ad titled "boas noticias o melhor PTC 2016" and it took me completely off the page and removing the timer completely and therefore preventing me from getting credited from the ad. This is not the first time that I have brought up this issue but no surprises that went ignored. I dont really care if I dont click this particular ad because its not very valuable but it is a problem regardless.

This is the link to the page

Fix it or dont I really dont care but its not fair to the other members to have to waste their time on ads that wont even allow them to be paid.
« Last Edit: 2016-05-03 at 02:18 by SdeUFiHEIUIEHFWEIF »
Posts: 11
That ad is what is called a FRAME BREAKER

I sent in a ticket about it.
It is also on SCARLET as well.
Posts: 31
Now I found a page that is currently not loading at all. The page remains blank. It is the emoneyspace link that prompts viewers to vote.
Posts: 31
I know that a previous poster mentioned putting in a support ticket. However despite that I have noticed that the same ad has gone away earlier and come back and same problem is STILL happening.