Site permanent closure

Started by admin 2023-05-31 at 14:55
41 replies to this topic
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This user has been banned because of violating the Terms Of Service. All his posts have been deleted. Team.
Yearly Gold
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Shocking news in the evening!!
The only sites I trusted will close their doors!
And then so soon! Not enough time to earn and withdraw the investet money at GPT and Optimal...
Then I will go out with lost after 7 years of building up the 3 accounts.

I hope that admin can find another solution than closing the pages forever...

Posts: 1
Quote: admin
Dear members,

I am at the sad position of announcing the closure of Scarlet-clicks,Gptplanet and OptimalBux.
The sites will stop their operation on the 1st of August 2023.
Unfortunately, since 2018 the company was not able to recover.
Financially we faced a huge loss (almost 80% of our total funds) due to Payza,closing in March 2018 and later in 2019 the cryptocurrencies collapsed.
Also since 2018-2019 there are a lot of members who either stopped using the sites or are leaving the sites.As an example,currently we have 1/4 active members than what we had in 2019.
In 2021 we faced another financial challenge which was caused by Covid-19 and the global financial crisis.Withdraws skyrocketed but we still managed to keep everything smooth and to pay our members.
Despite my best efforts I am unable to keep the sites online , since for years now I haven’t earned anything from them and the downtrend on the whole Paid to click industry continues.
Because I was always honest with you, I will try to make the closing of the sites as smooth as possible.

Members with a ROI higher than 100% will not be able to withdraw.If you make a withdraw it will get cancelled and the funds will not get back to your account balance.

We will focus on paying the members that haven’t had the time to recover their investments.

Members will not be able to rent new referrals or extend the current ones.

The registrations for new members will be closed.

Scarlet-clicks,Gptplanet and OptimalBux admin

hola los miembros coin sal podran retrrasus fondos
Posts: 2
Sad to read it. I´m member since the beginning of the site :'(
Posts: 137
Received: $2641.6400
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I don't want to bealive in that
Posts: 2
Dear admin
So sad to see you go.
But please keep our emails if at any point you reopen -You will find us
Thank you.
Posts: 73
My reverence.

I ask the Administrator not to close sites in August, but to extend their work until the end of 2023.

To stabilize the work of sites, I propose:

1) Change the fee to withdraw money from 8% - to $0.25 + 10%

2) Change the cost of payment and the number of Premium Ads.
Sorry 6 * $0.01 at 4 * $0.0025.
You will be able to pay members for daily clicks of $0.01, although you are now paying $0.06

Apply these changes please
Posts: 100
Please give up the idea of shutting down sites and introduce new rules where no one will be harmed.

We do not trust any PTC site other than you.
Posts: 181
My reverence.

I ask the Administrator not to close sites in August, but to extend their work until the end of 2023.

To stabilize the work of sites, I propose:

1) Change the fee to withdraw money from 8% - to $0.25 + 10%

2) Change the cost of payment and the number of Premium Ads.
Sorry 6 * $0.01 at 4 * $0.0025.
You will be able to pay members for daily clicks of $0.01, although you are now paying $0.06

Apply these changes please

and remove crypto to stabilize site . now days people can withdraw and buy crypto if they need to. no need to give crypto withdrawals/deposite here.
Posts: 36
So sad but not surprising, I think PTC is now dead. I wish you dimi and your family all the best for the future, God bless you.